8. CECON Első Értesítő

Dear Colleagues,

we would like to invite you to the 8th Central European Congress on Obesity which will be held virtual from 7th to 8th October 2021.

This year’s congress motto is “Obesity calls for actions – multidisciplinary approach in treatment and prevention”. You can look forward to the rich programme with a variety of other interesting topics which can be found here. Topics will be discussed with the top of international experts worldwide.

The abstract submission is now open and we would like to encourage you to share your ideas, your experience and results of scientific research with us.

Do not miss early registration at the best price starting at the beginning of July. All important information can be found on the official congress website.

Eszter Halmy, Chair of the Congress
Tamás Forster, Co-Chair of the Congress

8. CECON Első Értesítő2021-08-17T09:52:53+02:00